and you know what?
i cannot be bothered.
i have a life to live, and im not going to waste it on fake drama.
omigod guess what fashionista99 said?
theres a massive drama in A-L!
omfg a-l got deleted again!
O-C are soo annoying
i honestly dont give a fuck what the 'drama' is on a virtual website.
not anymore.
i have real friends, and real drama to be in.
i cant believe i wasted nearly a year of my life clicking on topics in A-L.
i cant believe you guys are throwing your lives away and dedicating them to a website where most probably people are lying about who they are, and how they feel.
im not making a new account right now.
hey, maybe i will someday.
but for now im going to be there for my family and my friends.
im going on facebook and msn to talk to my real friends
the friends who i've let down by devoting myself to my online friends.
fuck you.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Monday, 24 August 2009
Sorry. :O
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Saturday, 22 August 2009
I am so sorry.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
So why?! =/

I mean, Immi got banned, right? Why? Because she annoyed Raw.
First: That's a stupid reason.
Second: Immi defended the club at first:
So why?!
She shouldn't be banned.
Well, it's not my club, it's Raw.'s club. She decides finally.
But oh well, this post is pointless.
supeerdoll . ♥
Bringing back old topics.
Monday, 17 August 2009
My computer won't let me upload pictures (not even my banner).
But here are the topics:
- (Read my post in the second page.)
^^ People like these should really get a life.
supeerdoll . ♥
But here are the topics:
- (Read my post in the second page.)
^^ People like these should really get a life.
supeerdoll . ♥
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Immi (chinupchick) got banned.
What people say about Raw. :

I'm TOO lazy to explain what happened, and I wasn't online so I don't know it very well.
Just go here:
(Obviously, credits to and mgirl200) .
Just go here:
(Obviously, credits to and mgirl200) .
supeerdoll . ♥
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
AL-y has a dirty mind? Lmao. xD

Alot of us have been talking about the live chat with Aly from Bandslam and Aly&AJ. A-L's plan was to spam it up with sexual comments - unfortunatly, it didnt work like that, only a few of A-L'ers questions were answered. Anyways;; a good little topic that'll make you laugh: [The question was "Are you a tomboy or girlie?"
I have a screenshot. But theres no need for it.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Monday, 10 August 2009
Eeveryone obssesed with Miley?
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Just a tad confusing.
Whether MiMi_laRue is DanPuffs or not, to me, is just a 'muffle' - the IP addresses clearly state Bella ___ apparently, so i dont know how sharing the account means anything. Im sticking with DanPuffs is a girl though, im not sure about any male accounts on stardoll, unless (s)he has proof.

Lets cut to the crap. Hes a girl, some of you believed him, some of us didnt. :O I the full story is at.. Theres no use me trying to explain when im sleepy.
Later that hour...
Belle-Ame says Dan is not a girl..
There is a Bella at my school and people call her Belle.
[[ Sorry im jumping to conlusions, shes probs just standing up for him - in denial
But oh well, 'thea-lwhores' I must be a whore to write. ]]
'Battle' - MiMi_LaRue VS. Shoffocake.

There are very few in the picture, better see them in the list of topics below.
Topics: (this one is a mixture of drama XD)
supeerdoll . ♥
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Judging other 'tribes' ? Tut tut tut. xD

Some of you dislike everybody in OC or FC when their name is mensioned. I think you are all against judging by looks in real life, so why do it on stardoll? Ok, im not talking about everybody in AL. But for example, my good friend Baybiie.Angel-x mensioned she was an FC'er or gave hints or whatever that she was from FC, and lots of you acuse her of being a scene wannabe or tell her to go back [[ im not swearing on my life it was her, but you seem to do that with whoever ]] . But acctually, shes a really nice person. Just because FC'ers appear wannabe scene and have a different typing style, it doesnt mean you should attack them [[ unless they attack you, you can bite them then ]] .
Ok, OC, known for n00bs. But some of you that were hating on OC, when Fay 'left' you rushed there like, well i dont know. saraXeatsXsocks who i first saw/met at OC isnt a n00b, shes nice.
Ok sorry for my babbling.
Let There Be Cake.

Yesterday, FreakCakes admitted that those pictures he posted werent him, and uploaded some different ones, which he claimed were really him. But.. A-L'ers noticed these ones had been photoshopped also, i didnt notice the photoshopping to be honest, but i dont need to see it, because he also wrote FreakCakes on another dude that looked real to me, so the writing FreakCakes on his hand, means nothing to me. THEN came along the billion posers, it started off as funny then it just got annoying.. FairyCakes, FruitCake, THEREALfreakcakes..... Lots of them.
Then this short but sweet annoying trend kicked in...
I am not really a melon..... i am a water melon for example. xD
Plenty of people started doing it, enough for that day i think.
Friday, 7 August 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Fay ruined animal-lovers

By leaving the club she does NOTHING better. People are desesperate and don't know where to go. They should just shut up and get along with it (no offense). Sooner or later, this A-L will get deleted and someone will make another one.
Managers do nothing great either. Deleting topics about the other clubs is not the best solution.
So what finally? Shall we wait until another A-L is made? Or shall we leave forever? I don't think so. It would be the same (A-L without Fay, which makes no difference) if people weren't making so much drama about it.
Btw, this is only my opinion, and it's not meant to offense people.
Hope you understand me,
supeerdoll .
AL is in shambles.

The 5th [or 100th whatever] animal-lovers was born. This time Raw. being owner, most people thinking she would be the best owner ever. [Ok i'll admit, i dislike her, ive always thought shes never had repect for anybody but her friends.] Fay hated us, loved us, hated us, and as fashionista99 states, used us. Lots [including myself] are using OC as a what i'd like to compare as to a shelter till AL has got fixed. Though, i would never say that AL is dead. AL will always live aslong as stardoll is around [i think].
Rachel xx
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Bronagh is Back. o:
Bronagh is Back. o:
I mean..she was gone for almost a year. Lots of people don`t remember her.
You don`t,And you were in the very first A-L,you know her for making the biggest topic ever made.
Bigger than the one kekups made in the A-L divagirl owned.
A LOT bigger. Wow. She IS back. Proof,she made 2 topics in a-l before going for a scrub.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Saturday, 25 July 2009
WTF? I`m a hacker...!!?!!?!!
So i was going up the stairs with a pancake in my mouth when i saw a topic named I;M KIRSSU124 DEAL WITH IT. I clicked on it, and saw Semrum`s medoll,fxxcked up. She said in the first post that i am on her account and hacking it, and I was the one who made it look bad.. no. it wasn`t me.
This is all fxxcking bullshit. Ugh. And anyway,when i was back on the computer and started posting, when i also saw semrums post 1mintue ago. But..everyone (maybe not everyone) knows,that you can`t be on different account at the same time. I only have 1 computer, mine. My mom and dad have a laptop. But it has a password to get in,which i don`t know, AND i hve never ever in my life been on their laptop. Never. So, it wasn`t me...GAAWD! Soo...about 15 minutes later, that topic was full. it has 100 posts. Some people were again the REAL semrum. When the topic has 200 posts 10 mintues later, almost everyone was against Semrum. People started to think this was all attetion seeking fun for her. It was. Then semrum said, that she had 39sd,and the "hacker" made her but some skulls for that much. Now she has 0sd...but the proof pics were just awkward...i mean VERY GOOD PHOTOSHOPPED. they were small so people couldn`t see the truth in the pic, and so,so. Everyone turned against semrum. So on. Semrum got (possibly) mad or sad and left A-L....PATHETIC. She went to OC. Hopefully she will saty there. L0L.
God,i`m sorry. I can`t write anymore right now. :(
Stay cool.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Hapmeby_2`s 'truth'?!
She claims she is horrible,nasty, and annoying in RL. Is it the truth?
It could be, but why could she tell that to 5613 people on A-L? Hmm..
Is she just a lying attention seeker, or is it the truth?
If you don`t see what the she says on the pic, go to the real topic;
Yup, truth or lie?
BTW i changed my banner
Thursday, 23 July 2009
A little bit about animal-lovers x)
Adding Competition

Between megz302 & stylus.x. They made topics for people to add them. The winner is who
gets 100 request first,
well, wins. So megz & stylus have a comp for that,right now. i have got 100 requests in half a day tbh,
and this has been going on for 10 minutes now, and megz has 3 requests,lmao. no offence.
Also, ekups has made a topic for people to add her, and well she has lotza requests in 10 minutes now.
So, thats all.
Stay cool,
Krissu x
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Proof OC deleted A-L and wants FC deleted too.

I won't say who gave me this picture because maybe she doesn't wanna tell everybody.
Save the picture to see it properly.
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