Saturday, 25 July 2009

WTF? I`m a hacker...!!?!!?!!

So i was going up the stairs with a pancake in my mouth when i saw a topic named I;M KIRSSU124 DEAL WITH IT. I clicked on it, and saw Semrum`s medoll,fxxcked up. She said in the first post that i am on her account and hacking it, and I was the one who made it look bad.. no. it wasn`t me.
This is all fxxcking bullshit. Ugh. And anyway,when i was back on the computer and started posting, when i also saw semrums post 1mintue ago. But..everyone (maybe not everyone) knows,that you can`t be on different account at the same time. I only have 1 computer, mine. My mom and dad have a laptop. But it has a password to get in,which i don`t know, AND i hve never ever in my life been on their laptop. Never. So, it wasn`t me...GAAWD! Soo...about 15 minutes later, that topic was full. it has 100 posts. Some people were again the REAL semrum. When the topic has 200 posts 10 mintues later, almost everyone was against Semrum. People started to think this was all attetion seeking fun for her. It was. Then semrum said, that she had 39sd,and the "hacker" made her but some skulls for that much. Now she has 0sd...but the proof pics were just awkward...i mean VERY GOOD PHOTOSHOPPED. they were small so people couldn`t see the truth in the pic, and so,so. Everyone turned against semrum. So on. Semrum got (possibly) mad or sad and left A-L....PATHETIC. She went to OC. Hopefully she will saty there. L0L.
God,i`m sorry. I can`t write anymore right now. :(

Stay cool.

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