Yesterday, FreakCakes admitted that those pictures he posted werent him, and uploaded some different ones, which he claimed were really him. But.. A-L'ers noticed these ones had been photoshopped also, i didnt notice the photoshopping to be honest, but i dont need to see it, because he also wrote FreakCakes on another dude that looked real to me, so the writing FreakCakes on his hand, means nothing to me. THEN came along the billion posers, it started off as funny then it just got annoying.. FairyCakes, FruitCake, THEREALfreakcakes..... Lots of them.
Then this short but sweet annoying trend kicked in...
I am not really a melon..... i am a water melon for example. xD
Plenty of people started doing it, enough for that day i think.
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